Interview with the Commissioner Alexandros Pantelakos



Undoubtedly, one of the most honorable post someone can held in Europa.S. is that of the Commissioner. As the one responsible for informing and guiding the mebs, it is a position of high responsibility and enjoys great respect, so having to interview one is a truly special experience.

-Hello sir, at first, could you please tell me your name and what Commissioner are you exactly?

-Hi, my mane is Alexandros Pantelakos and I am the Commissioner for Trade in this year’s Europa.S.

-Pantelakos, may I ask you if the MEPs of the INTA Committee needed any help, and if so, what kind of help was it exactly?

-As a hole, the MEPs were pretty much informed about what they had to do. Even so, I had to give them some general guidelines concerning the topic, and suggest them to discuss several aspects of it that they hadn’t really thought about until then. I also had to propose them to revise some of their action plans.

-But what is your opinion on their behavior when the crisis occurred and the sessions after it? Where they calm, or had they lost control because of the crisis?

-Well, the truth is that I was not there when we were first informed about the crisis, but when I arrived at the session, a little later , I was proud to see them pretty calm, and quite willing to deal with the new problems that were caused by the crisis.

-Many thanks Mr. Pantelakos, it was a very illuminating interview.

-It was a pleasure.

By George Okaro.
