Day 2 – TRAN: Here it comes the first debate of the committee

The conference is officially started and all the candidates, icluding staff members and journalists, shared a few things about themselves, in order to accomplish the ice breaking.

In addidion, all the MEPs made a speech in order to ensure that everyone in the room will follow a friendly aspect of free movement and passengers’ security. Also, some of them talk about the importance of protecting the passengers rights, which are threated by the numerous terrorist attacks and illegal migration.
Furthermore, the first discussed topic was the main trasportation policies. More specifically, the EPP party with Mr. Kaltsas, talk about the introduction of the new tecnologies in the security. On the other hand, Ms. Anastasopoulou supported the human rights as well, not only security’s.
The second topic was supported by Ms. Phira and it was about air trasportation, security and passengers’ rights in general. Concerning this matter, the S&D party talk about financial stability and that everyone should demonstrate respect to passengers with disabilities. EPP members supported an application named ‘Passengers’ Rights’ which can provide the appropriate information to the people who travelling.
And then something happened! A cyber attack from anonymous hakers who controlled all data in E.U. That means that nobody in this room can use any elecronic device such as laptops and cell phones. After 15 minutes of not using this kind of devices, the crisis department gave a solution, without knowing the origins of the hakers!
The motion that followed was about passengers’ security in land-road trasportation. Mr.Loukas from EPP said that this field is the most violated. On the other hand, Mr. Kedras from S&D made an objection about enhasing security road. He believes that this is almost impossible due to the fact that every country uses different code.
Christina Dry, Journalist of TRAN, EU Focus
