Day 2 – TRAN: Today’s final session

The third session last two and a half hours and it started with a strong debate between the MEPs of EPP and S&D Party. The main topic of discussion was the violation of privacy by using biometrics such as fingerprints. More specifically, the EPP supported that this way of collecting data is more effective in the airports and it has already given solutions to many problems that occurred, than others procedures. On the other hand, under any circumstances they do not support the collection of sesnitive personal information, which could insult passengers’ rights.

Following that, the ALDE party asked the EPP to explain further the measures in security threats and more particularly the biometric procedure. Furthermore, the parties discussed about maritime security and passengers’ rights. All the committees agreeded that the European Union must reassure the maritime security and protect the passengers’ rights by instating more security in ports.
In addidion, the next point of motion covered a very urgent topic: ‘Countering Terrorism’ that was voted by 17 MEPs. A member of S&D party demonstrated the idea of returning money to the passengers in case of a terrorist attack. However, EPP members strongly believed that the European Union must find a way to prevent a terrorist attack by happening at the first place and at the same time protect the passengers’ rights. Moreover, EPP supported an idea which annoyed the other MEPs of TRAN committee and for some minutes there was a strong debate about a specific monitor that the European Union was about to use in order to detect and eventually collect passengers’ personal data. ECR and GUE MEPs did not agree on this request. A memeber of GUE characteristically said that this kind of monitor is totally unnecessery!
Continuing, ALDE and GUE party members turned to be more concerned about the EPP’s position. But EPP members defended themselves by saying that they did not hear any preferences or ideas that would give a solid solution to the terrorist attacks.
A motion about the protection of passengers with disabilities followed up and it was obvious that all the parties agreed that discrimination should not exist anymore. Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted, when 2.000 passengers was trapped in the middle of Mediterranean Sea in ‘Queen Mary II’ ship by the same hakers that caused the previous cyberattack. There is no way to communicate with the ship, because all the electronical and navigate divices are out of order. ALDE party recommended all the parties to collaborate as much as they can, in order to overcome this dramatic obstacle. ‘Balance’ is the key to connect the safety in trasportations and the protection of passengers’ rights.
Christina Dry, Journalist of TRAN, EU Focus
