The chamber continued the discussion with all the judges present and the aggents have presented their opinions and their arguments on the case. The debate was very constructive and the judges are working hard to find a common ground.
The applicants stated that in hungury exist ngos  organizations which provide aid to the migrants in the country and that was the plea in low of the applicants. The advocate general stated about article 21 that Hungury is innocent at this point since they are not enough proofs to be guildy. Also Hungury is a democratic nation which fights the racism and there are not enough data on the case of mr Demont. There is no mistreatment as well since they didnt categorige him as a refugee or migrant and there are doubts.A singnifinant remark on article 53 is that the European low is above of the national low. There is not a final outcome yet and the judges are working for the verdict.

Dimitrios Chatzis, Journalist of ECJ, EU Focus
