Interview with Mr Grammatikakis


Journalist: Could you please tell me your name, your country and the party that you represent?

Mr. Gramatikakis: Hello, my name is Odysseus Gramatikakis, I am representing Spain and I belong to the EPP, in the INTA committee.

Journalist: Mr. Gramatikakis how did you and your party managed to deal with the crisis?

Mr. Gramatikakis: Well, there was a truly heated debate going on regarding the crisis and how to make the most out of every opportunity that was presented. I did not hesitated to have a dynamic argument with a member of the S&D party as they were mentioning a taxation according to each company’s scale, while we suggested the far more reasonable 20% tax with no exceptions. Ultimately, we came to an agreement at 12%tax, in order to promote equality.

Journalist: Please, tell us more about your believes and suggestions regarding the INTA’s agenda.

Mr. Gramatikakis: It is a common agreement from all parties that, we should encourage a campaign, seminars and education programs. In order  to inform the EU citizens about the e-commerce. We have also proposed the creation of a standard firewall  made by experts, in order to ensure the protection of the consumers’ data during transactions.

Journalists: Anything else regarding the measures you are willing to take in order to deal with crisis?

Mr. Gramatikakis: Yes, we agreed to place a minimum money amount on Vat policy , in order to facilitate the DSM. Last but not least, we urge the foundation of an EU-WIDE certification scheme. It was an excellent idea proposed by ALDA. This way, we will be able to set some standards on the data collection, as well as protecting the consumer. There is a key role in there for the DSM.

Journalist: Thank you. This was quite informative role illuminating interview.

Mr. Gramatikakis: It was a pleasure.

By George Okaro.
