Day 3 – ITRE: Houston, we have a problem!

This day of EuropaS begins and Members of the European Parliament in ITRE committee are on fire! Firstly, the board recognized a motion from Mr. Simeonidis from S&D party with topic Unemployment and Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence has an enormous role in this area, especially in Industry and the private sector. Unemployment has always been a problem in Europe, the AI in businesses will bring a new reality to the job market. We must use Artificial Intelligence in order to decrease unemployment and not to compromise with the problem. “In long- term, new jobs are going to be created but in short-term of course some other jobs will be lost, this fact can’t stop from boosting AI and its applications, we have to offer AI subjects in order young people and employees be able to start learning more about it; this can be embodied by a learning platform” said Ms. Lagadianou from EPP. Irrefutably in every committee that has parties from all over the world who represent different political views and lines will be some conflicts; this happens to our committee today with Mr. Simeonidis from S&D accusing Mr. Oikonomakos for seeing people and employees as numbers.

After that, ITRE committee have an unmoderated caucus in order to enrich with proposals the previous draft and to add some prepositions about Unemployment. Some of the new preposition in the sector of Unemployment are: Encourages the creation of European think tank that offers a compensation to employees who loose due to AI evolution, especially in the secondary section, to support them in short term and promote the reintegration into the employment market. Another interesting and innovating preposition is to promote the idea of establishing re-training programs that will give the unemployed the chance to gain the extra knowledge (like programming languages, deep learning, algorithms and advanced neural network) and assets necessary that will give them the chance to cope with new technologies.

During the unmoderated caucus we were informed that the Company disclaims its responsibilities declaring that the operating systems of the cars are working flawlessly. After confessions and testimonies of the drivers, it was found that the cars were not in their control and that it was supernatural, as if the cars were moving by themselves or were being handled by someone else. After that the board recognized a motion by Mr. Ioannidis from EPP party with topic Liability and Artificial Intelligence. This topic has been recognized with the purpose of been discussed about the crisis. Mr. Kitis from S&D mentioned that AI it is not predictive even from the manufacturers. The most impressive idea was from Mr. Oikonomakos from EPP it was a solution in order to protect and prevent such attacks, Mr. Oikonomakos suggests an insurance skin to the autonomous cars such as TESLA.

Aliki Karmiri, Journalist of ITRE, EU Focus

